Who Is Keyron?

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I didn’t just wake up one day and decide to be an artist. The spoken word has always been within me. Ever since I can remember, I’ve been writing and sharing my expressions in various ways throughout my life and now everything has come full circle. I’m blessed and proud of who I am today and to able to share the story of my life and all of the experiences that have shaped and molded me. 

Play The Cards You Were Dealt

I was born at Dominguez Valley Hospital in Compton, California, and raised on Tucker Street & Bullis Road. I had family in almost every neighborhood in Compton (both Crip and Blood neighborhoods) and had siblings that represented the sets in those neighborhoods. Regardless of how you judge gang culture, concluding whether or not it’s right or wrong, the fact still stands that gang culture is a way of life, and it is to be respected. That’s all I ever saw growing up and that’s all I was influenced by beyond the upbringing of my parents and extended family through the church. I thank God for all of the OG’s and elders in those different neighborhoods who saw my potential and steered me away from the street life to do something different. I wouldn’t be alive today if it wasn’t for the consistent message and enforcement from those OGs and elders. I’m grateful. Whatever reason the universe decided to place me here of all places that I could’ve been chosen to be born, I’m gonna play these cards that I was dealt no matter how bad the hand is and I’m gonna play to win. Peace.