My Journey

When I was young I learned to smile through my darkest moments as an adolescent. Even at this young age I knew something was wrong with my environment while witnessing countless acts of gang violence, poverty, drug abuse, and all out dysfunction. 

The only answer for me was simple. I had to find a way to stay alive and escape the City but after growing up, I realized that there was no escape. The destruction was world wide and taking place everywhere and I was powerless to stop it. The only thing left for me to do was to find a way to cope and not become a victim or contribute to the problems. That became the motto that I lived by.

They say a picture is worth 1000 words, so when I see people smile, I can also see the pain and the survival that they have endured or is currently going through. 

Regardless of who you are, whatever silent battles you’re fighting, just remember to keep smiling because it brings healing. Don’t give up, continue to pray and understand that you’re here for a divine reason. Things will always get better before they become worse. Peace.

This post is to honor both of my parents who brought me into this world and showed me nothing but unconditional love and discipline. Growing up I would hear you say things I didn’t understand, but you said them nonetheless knowing that one day I would recall it when times got tough when I became an adult and would need to use that knowledge and wisdom to my advantage. Now that you’re gone, I can hear those words of wisdom as clear as the day you said them to me and it all makes sense now. At first, I was afraid because I was all alone and it was all on me to carry on the family lineage with the same integrity and purpose you raised me with. Even though I’m far from perfect, I hope what I do with the life you gave me makes you proud. This post is to celebrate your life and to say thank you and if it’s God’s will. I’ll see you again.  Rest In Peace Mom And Dad.

Give Your Dreams And Purpose A Place To Live

To escape living a dead-end lifestyle and when no one supported my vision, I took it upon myself and placed my trust in God to make it happen. I worked and hustled harder than anyone else to build my studio, worked on my craft everyday and stayed focused on my purpose to bring myself to where I’m at today. Even if I fail by society’s standards, it doesn’t matter because what I’m doing is within me and bigger than me. I have to see it through until my life is over and I know most feel the same way that I do. We create everything with a divine purpose. Peace.